Easy share screenshots on Twitter thanks to Twitpic integration. Need to export images or create thumbnails at specific size, one click. Add drop shadow, round corners, and reflection. Make a unique image thanks to the stitching mechanism. Crop, spotlight an area, or comment parts of captured image. Webmails like GMail are also taken into account. Drag and drop screenshots from history directly to your favorite e-mail editor. Don't bother to save screenshots on your drive, Screenpresso does it for you.
No need to install the application, you can run it directly after download. Posted simple the above screenshot Screenpresso Cloud, Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Hightail, Imgur, as well as on Google Drive, YouTube, Microsoft OneDrive, OneNote, Dropbox, Evernote, and FTP.Simply screenshot or video capture part of the screen or a specific window with the same shortcut.
Put screen shots on the Web resources. Need to export images or create thumbnails of a particular size? Nothing easier: with just one click! Add shadows, rounded corners, reflection and even more effects. Can't take a full screen photo? Create unique images of your own using the mechanism of photo jigsaw integration. This is great to quickly create manuals, training or even reviews in a few minutes. Screenpresso can also create documents and image-based PDF, Microsoft Word (docx) or HTML. Select with the mouse a part of the image or text has taken on it. Webmail, for example, GMail is also supported! It is fast and convenient. Drag and drop screenshot history directly into the email program of your favorite. Now you do not need to save screenshots on your drive, Screenpresso will it for you. You can start it immediately after download. Screenpresso records your screen in HD video and create video files MP4 easy to share. Take a partial screen or window you want to follow along quickly. Screenpresso Pro - Shooting the computer screen Features of Screenpresso Pro Allows you to capture windows and screen area, roll the part of the screen, edit the images obtained, add effects, resize a group of images, send screenshots by email and post them to Web resources. Screenpresso Pro is a program easy to take great photos on your screen! Screenpresso blocked Print Screen key and screen capture the best in a few seconds. Download Screenpresso Pro 2 - Screen capture software, computer, quick help you save those wonderful moments on the screen Screenpresso Pro: